Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Story Telling

So for our story telling project that we did toward the beginning of the year, I chose to tell the story of waking up and venturing out into a snow day. I actually used a panorama for the real project but I liked this picture too so I figured I'd use this one for the ol' blog.

Still Life

So in art classes I've taken in the past we've had to do a "still life" piece. However, I had never done such a project using photography because you have to do much more than just take a picture of something that isn't doing anything...not unless you offer complementary sleep aids with it. So I took a picture of a dragon statue that I had in my room but I tried to position both it and the light that illuminated it in a way that made it look as big as any self respecting dragon would be.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Lights, Camera...this! In an unlikely combo of careful set-up and pure luck, my dog Farley is trying to eat this airborne snow I tossed in front of me. The light happen to hit the snow at just the right angle as I shot that it really made both the snow and Farley pop out:


Tragedy! During this assignment my camera was accidentally popped open while fiddling with it (this is before I actually had the sense to ask how to use it properly). That being the case, I used what salvageable photos I could and with this particular picture the exposure to light ended up creating some cool effects that otherwise wouldn't have been present (the blue and darkness of the trees was my meddling but the shape and shadows are natural to the film):


This one is actually a picture of my pet parrot named Kiwi (she's actually green when she hasn't been photoshop edited) that I had actually taken for the portrait assignment but this version of it is one I made during our Popart class project.

Elements of Photography

These were a pair of photos that I used for the first assignment of the year (Elements of Photography) and obviously edited them rather heavily with Photoshop:


Among a collection of others, this is a picture that particularly stood out to me from the photos I took for the abstract class project. It actually started with my friend sticking his hand into the otherwise undisturbed snow and unrecommended I take a picture of it:


A photoshop project I worked on between class work, mind you these aren't my pictures that I used to make this but I figured it'd be cool to share it anyway:

Monday, January 4, 2010


A couple of pictures I used for my portfolio: